Technical information
Norwegian Customs will offer standardized machine-to-machine services (APIs), which all parties must use to submit digital information prior to or at crossing the border. Declarations must still be submitted through TVINN.
Information about the notice and information disclosure service
- The World Customs Organization's (WCO) data model and the EU Customs Datamodel (EUCDM) provide some of the framework conditions for our data model.
- Transport information and cargo information are submitted separately, and may be submitted by different parties. In other words, cargo information for the same mode of transport may be submitted by several different parties.
- The transport information must include a tracking key for the cargo information.
- In principle, all information may be changed up to the border crossing – but we cannot guarantee that the data processing is completed if changes are made close to the border crossing.
- The services will be available as REST services over HTTP, with data in JSON format.
- Technical information
Information about ICS2
Technical information about the API solution for ICS2 . We recommend getting started as soon as possible. Norwegian Customs are happy to provide information about software development and testing.
Presentation and Routing
The entity that has reported the notification of transport to Digitoll can retrieve the routing for transport and consignments from the interface (API) at Digitoll.
This interface is called routing and is described here
In practice, the entity must have developed integration with this interface through its system provider (or self-developed system).
The entity can then, in its own system, see the status of each consignment.
Consignments can be taken out for inspection at the border crossing point or a location where the entity can sort consignments for distribution or inspection after the border.
The routing signal will indicate this. See the description in the section "Presentation and control routing" here
In many cases, this process will require digital collaboration among multiple entities.
If there are questions about the technical solution, please contact Digitoll at
Updated: 05/12/2024