Declaration using TVINN
Declaration using TVINN
TVINN is Norwegian Customs electronic system for exchanging customs declarations. The system ensures that businesses’ goods are efficiently released (cleared).
TVINN offers:
- quicker customs processing and release of goods
- equal treatment in all regions
- simpler control selection
- cost savings for businesses and Norwegian Customs
- the ability to submit customs declaration 24/7
Who can declare using TVINN?
All importers, exporters, and forwarding agents can apply to submit customs declarations electronically using TVINN. To obtain permission to do so, the organisation must fulfil the conditions set by Norwegian Customs.
If you want to apply, you must also have the following:
- Identification number (Nodi number). This can be obtained by sending a request to Norstella
- Software suitable for the electronic submission of customs declarations to TVINN. There are many vendors who offer this type of software.
- Network provider approved by Norwegian Customs. Your software provider will be able to help you find the right network provider.
Application for electronic submission of customs declarations should be sent to the Movement of Goods Division.
Before you are granted permission to submit declarations using TVINN, you must complete a test period. The purpose of the test period is to ensure that the software can communicate correctly with TVINN, that you are able to declare correctly, and that you can handle messages from TVINN correctly. Once the test period has been completed, you will be approved for the submission of customs declarations using TVINN.
You the declarant are responsible for keeping the software you use up to date, fit for purpose, and in compliance with Norwegian Customs’ requirements.
How to declare using TVINN
Customs declarations can be sent electronically to TVINN, which checks each customs declaration for formal errors (input check). If TVINN’s input check detects errors in a customs declaration, it will be rejected.
If a customs declaration is rejected during the input check, TVINN notifies you of the error automatically. You must submit a new and correctly completed customs declaration.
Errors detected during the input check include:
- invalid commodity code stated in the customs declaration
- necessary licences and permits not stated in the customs declaration
- incorrect customs duty rate stated in the customs declaration
A customs declaration may also be stopped during the input check by a statistical mask. When this happens, the customs declaration is automatically returned to you with instructions to send a corrected version of the original declaration. You must check whether the declared information is correct. If you find errors, these must be corrected before sending the corrected version. The statistical masks give you an indication of what might be wrong.
When a customs declaration passes the input check without being rejected, it may be selected for manual processing. Manual processing may involve:
- checking documents
- checking goods
- instruction to check information that may be incorrect
- instruction to correct information that Norwegian Customs’ check has revealed to be incorrect
If the customs declaration is selected for manual processing, you will be notified about this within 15 minutes of submitting the customs declaration. When a customs declaration is cleared by Norwegian Customs following manual processing, it will be assigned a clearance and serial number.
If Norwegian Customs does not select the customs declaration for manual processing, it will be cleared automatically in TVINN and assigned a clearance and serial number.
TVINN will notify you once the customs declaration has been cleared. The clearance and serial number are confirmation from Norwegian Customs that the goods have been declared and that the goods covered by the customs declaration have been released (cleared through customs).
Where should the customs declaration be sent?
When you are granted permission to submit customs declarations electronically, you will also be assigned a clearance unit where you must send your customs declarations. Information about the clearance unit is stated on the authorisation.
Updated: 17/02/2025